Greek Chapters

Helping Chapters Not Only Survive But Also Thrive

Greek Chapter Leadership and Development Program

220 Leadership works with well-established Greek chapters, interfraternity councils and national Greek organizations to help members of fraternities and sororities build the skills they need to succeed in their chapters, college programs, careers and lives. Partnering with 220 brings our expertise into Greek chapter programs to help improve leadership skills and accountability and executive systems, while reducing risk, raising graduation rates and equipping all members with the skills necessary for lifelong success.

We understand that while you recognize the need for the type of critical education we offer, most chapters do not have the time or resources to create programs that equip their members for post-college and lifelong success. Our programs have been tested, refined, researched and evaluated — and proven to help college students build the critical skills they need to thrive in their college program, their careers and their lives. We also help Greek leaders build the skills they need to effectively lead their peers, make difficult decisions and build the systems necessary to operate their chapters like a company.

Why Greek Chapters Need 220 Leadership Programs

Many chapters are struggling to survive in today’s Greek landscape. With greater scrutiny and more suspensions than ever before, you’re trying to help your chapter evolve, but:

  • Too much responsibility is placed on young chapter leaders.
  • You worry that a few members could ruin everything.
  • Members and committees are not held accountable for some problems.
  • Resources either fall short or don’t exist.

The 220 Workforce Solution Has Been Proven to Work

220 is the solution to your problems. Our courses and tools give you everything you need to permanently shift the culture of your chapter and help it thrive for years to come. We take the guesswork out of establishing a program by using proven, ready-to-go courses and tools. Our team offers you all the help you need to succeed.

Everything we teach has been tested by our team and then validated through research and testing within Greek chapters. Instead of hoping committees and members will do what they should, our system helps you create a permanent culture shift toward reliable performance and accountability — freeing you to focus on other priorities.

If you are a chapter or national leader of one or more of the following types of organizations and you’re interested in learning more about teaching life skills to your members, please get in touch today!

  • Fraternity and Sorority Chapters
  • Interfraternity and Panhellenic Councils
  • National Greek Organizations

Empower Your Students to Achieve Their Second-to-None Potential with 220

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A 220 Success Story

Phi Gamma Delta at Indiana University goes from disciplinary probation to the best fraternity on campus and the best Phi Gam chapter in North America.

  • Chapter on disciplinary probation
  • Member engagement and behavioral issues
  • Historically low chapter GPA
  • Not all freshmen initiated due to grades
  • Executive coaching for chapter leadership
  • Implementation of Greek Executive Course
  • Implementation of Chapter Performance Program
  • Raised minimum GPA to 2.75 for initiation and eliminated scholarship probation
  • Awarded 2020 Cheney Cup (best Fiji chapter in North America)
  • Named University’s only Chapter of Excellence for three consecutive years
  • Received multiple other national fraternity awards for scholarship, campus involvement and community services
  • Achieved consecutive years of 100% initiation

Empower Your Students to Achieve Their Second-to-None Potential with 220