Many organizations across the country have used our program to support or exclusively provide SEL for their programs and students. Instead of students experiencing these skills through a "self-awareness" module, students learn by doing and build these capacities by pursuing goals based on choice — their choice. This results in natural motivation, increased persistence, and higher likelihood of goal achievement and incidental skill-building.
Self-Management and Self-Awareness: The Leadership Course challenges students to look inward and examine their emotions, thoughts, values and behaviors like never before. Students identify their natural interests, existing passions, unique strengths and strong beliefs; how these things impact their thoughts, actions and relationships; and how they can leverage these things to develop their purpose and create an extraordinary life. Then, our additional courses provide the frameworks and tools to help them achieve their ultimate professional, financial and relationship goals — whether that's through working at their dream company or becoming a freelancer or entrepreneur. Students learn how to set audacious, measurable goals; how to break those goals down into smaller, actionable steps; and how to build the support team they need to start working toward that extraordinary life.
Social Awareness and Relationship Skills: Our courses help students set life-altering goals that guide their thoughts, actions, values and relationships. These goals provide a meaningful reason for students to choose optimism, positive relationships, healthy behaviors and mutually beneficial relationships instead of destructive behaviors or negative choices. Students demonstrate leadership through leading by example (building skills and accomplishing goals); developing empathy by asking, answering and listening to deep, personal goals, beliefs and experiences; and working in teams to accomplish exciting projects that will benefit their peers and their community.
Responsible Decision-Making: Students’ life-altering vision from The Leadership Course provides the foundation for their decision-making. By having a higher purpose, students are incentivized to make positive near-term decisions that benefit themselves and others, so they stay on track toward their long-term goals. Our courses challenge students with limited structure and student-driven content so they learn to evaluate the quality, diversity and ambiguity of information before making decisions. They also learn to make decisions more quickly, so they get more comfortable with failure and being wrong, which gives them the ability to course-correct and get to the ultimate goal faster.