Resume + Interview

Equip Your Students with the Skills to Land Their Dream Jobs

Resume Writing and Interview Training That Gets Results

Students often focus on achievements but aren’t taught how to present them effectively to schools or employers. That’s where our Resume + Interview Learning Track comes in. This set of courses equips students with the professional writing and communication skills they need to craft standout resumes and excel in interviews, empowering them to pursue their dream careers confidently.

Preparing Students to Succeed in the Professional World

Through this course, students learn how to create compelling resumes, build advanced interview skills, and refine their online presence to develop a professional brand. They’ll gain confidence in public speaking, connect with professionals in their desired fields, and practice their skills in a mock interview, showcasing their resume and interview techniques. By the end, students are prepared to take the next step in their professional journey with clarity and confidence.

The Resume + Interview Track Outline

Module 01: The Easy Points
Module 02: Resume: Formatting
Module 03: Resume: Anatomy
Module 04: Resume: Bulletproof
Module 05: Interview: Basics
Module 06: Interview: Homework
Module 07: Interview: Tell Me About Yourself (TMAY)
Module 08: Interview: Behavioral
Module 09: Interview: Practice
Module 10: Interview: Questions?
Module 11: Interview: Thank You Note
Module 12: Mock Interviews #1
Module 13: Write Persuasive Emails
Module 14: Persuasive Email Challenge
Module 15: Social Media Basics
Module 16: Mock Interviews #2
Module 17: Final Presentations
Module 18: Assessment & Celebration

Real Results from the 220 Resume + Interview Track

220 students who complete The Resume + Interview Track are:

more confident in their understanding of a resume and how it helps them accomplish their goals.

more confident in their ability to update their resumes as their experiences and goals evolve.

more confident in their understanding of the interview and how to be a strong interviewee.

more confident that they can communicate their strengths, skills and experiences to schools and prospective employers.

What Students Had to Say After Completing This Track

“I got to make an updated resume which got me more job opportunities.

“I think it has made me realize that interviews do not need to be scary, and they can be something that is mastered and come without a problem. I hope to keep practicing and updating my interview skills so I can land that dream job and feel confident when entering the interview room.”

“This course impacted the way I see myself and my goals in life, by letting me think about what I want to do in my life and help me understand the steps that I must take during and after the interview.”

“This course had a huge impact; I’ve always had a hard time describing myself or what I’m interested in.”

“I feel more comfortable going into ANY interview.”

Empower Your Students to Achieve Their Second-to-None Potential with 220

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