Employability Skills

Unlock Your Students’ Potential for Workplace Success

Workforce Readiness Training That Prepares Students for Success

Employers frequently cite a lack of critical workplace skills in young employees. Our Employability Learning Track bridges this gap by equipping students with the mindset, professionalism, and skills needed to thrive in today’s workforce—whether as employees, freelancers, or entrepreneurs.

Preparing Students to Excel in the Workplace

In this course, students learn to distinguish between low and high workplace performance, adopt a top-performer mindset, and apply professionalism in all aspects of their work. They’ll understand how to exceed expectations, work effectively with diverse teams, and become reliable contributors to their organizations. The course concludes with students assessing their progress using The 220 Workforce Scale, presenting their self-evaluation, and outlining the skills they’ve developed to succeed in their careers.

The Employability Skills Track Outline

Module 01: Choose the Right Job
Module 02: Adopt the Right Mindset
Module 03: Be Someone They Can Trust
Module 04: Show Up to Work the Right Way
Module 05: Be a Great Listener
Module 06: Be Safe
Module 07: Work Well with Others
Module 08: Help Customers Achieve Their Goals
Module 09: Get Stuff Done
Module 10: Become a Top Performer
Module 11: Stay Calm Under Pressure
Module 12: Build Relationships
Module 13: Advocate for Yourself
Module 14: The 220 Workforce Scale
Module 15: Presentation Prep
Module 16: Practice Presentation
Module 17: Final Presentation
Module 18: Assessment, Celebration & What’s Next?

Real Results from the 220 Workforce Track

220 students who complete The Workforce Track are:

more confident they can be a leader in their current or next professional roles.

more confident in what it takes to be a high-performing, dependable, trustworthy and respectable employee.

more confident that they have the mindset and skills to accomplish their professional goals.

more confident in the difference between doing the bare minimum and going above and beyond on the job.

more confident in their ability to work well with diverse individuals and groups.

What Students Had to Say After Completing This Track

“I really enjoyed this course because I learned what to do when choosing the right job and in situations when I don’t necessarily like my current job. I learned a lot about working with others as well.”

“[I improved] my stress management and how to strive to be a top performer.”

“In this course, I feel like I learned a lot about what comes with working with others and that will really help me improve.”

“I am proud to say this course made me more confident to achieve more.”

“This course helped me see how my greatest dreams are achievable with the right effort.”

“I feel like the section about staying calm really impacted me because I tend to freak out under pressure, and I feel like that will help me a lot in the workplace and further on in life.”

Empower Your Students to Achieve Their Second-to-None Potential with 220

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